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  • Accessibility
    The Char-Lan Skating Club is committed to ensuring equal access and participation for people with disabilities. We are committed to treating people with disabilities in a way that allows them to maintain their dignity and independence. We believe in integration and we are committed to meeting the needs of people with disabilities in a timely manner. We will do so by removing and preventing barriers to accessibility and meeting our accessibility requirements under the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act and Ontario’s accessibility laws. The Char-Lan Skating Club is committed to meeting its current and ongoing obligations under the Ontario Human Rights Code respecting non-discrimination. The Char-Lan Skating Club understands that obligations under the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005 (AODA) and its accessibility standards do not substitute or limit its obligations under the Ontario Human Rights Code or obligations to people with disabilities under any other law. The Char-Lan Skating Club is committed to excellence in serving and providing services or facilities to all participants including people with disabilities. Our accessible programming policies are consistent with the principles of independence, dignity, integration and equality of opportunity for people with disabilities. Support Persons A person with a disability who is accompanied by a support person will be allowed to have that person accompany them on our premises.
  • Assessment
    Assessments for Star 1-5 shall be evaluated by one of the members of the coaching team. One week prior to the skater’s test, the coach will notify the parent or guardian of the upcoming test. An invoice for the test fee of $12 will be sent to the parent and payment must be received before the coach will assess the skater. No tests shall be assessed without pre-payment. High assessments (Star 6-Gold) shall be assessed by a Skate Canada assessor. Assessment days may be on regularly scheduled session time, or specially booked ice at the discretion of The Club. A preliminary list of skaters shall be provided to the assessment coordinator no later than one month prior to the scheduled assessment day. A final list of skaters shall be provided to the assessment coordinator two weeks before the assessment day. All assessment fees must be submitted to the assessment coordinator or club one week prior to the assessment. Failure to submit the required fees will result in a withdrawn assessment.
  • Awards
    Awards are given to skaters at the end of each season with the following criteria: CanSkater of the year: a CanSkate participant who has earned the most badges and ribbons throughout the season or who has exemplified a positive attitude and love of skating. Most Improved Male: a CanSkate participant who has earned the most badges and ribbons. Most Improved Female: a CanSkate participant who has earned the most badges and ribbons. Junior StarSkater: a StarSkate participant who has passed the most coach assessed evaluations throughout the season. Each coach-assessed evaluation is given the value of 1 point. The skater must be at the Star 1-5 level. Senior StarSkater: a StarSkate participant who has passed the most evaluator assessed test. Each evaluator-assessed evaluation is given the value of 2 points. The skater must be at the Star 6-Gold level.
  • Inclement Weather
    Any decision to cancel any Char-Lan Skating Club skating session due to weather conditions will be made by 3PM. If no announcement is released by 3PM, skating sessions will go forward as scheduled. Updates regarding the cancellation of any skating session will be made via the Char-Lan Skating Club’s social media accounts, the Char-Lan Skating Club’s website and by email. Accounts should be checked regularly for any updates. There are no refunds or credits for sessions missed due to inclement weather.
  • Media
    From time to time, The Char-Lan Skating Club may take photos or videos of participants. Photos and videos may appear on The Club’s social media, local newspapers, and/or Skate Ontario or Skate Canada publications. All participants must complete a media release prior to the first session of skating. All efforts will be made to obscure the identity or exclude participants who opt out of the media release policy.
  • Non-Refundable Fees
    Non-refundable fees are added to each registration for the current skating season. The fees are as follows for all programs: -Skate Canada fee of $58.70 (membership fee and insurance) -Fundraising fee of $35. -Administration fee of $35 in the event of a program withdrawal.
  • Outstanding Fees
    All skaters registering for any program with the Club must pay the fees associated with such program, and all other outstanding monies due to the Club, prior to the program start date or as outlined in the installment schedule. If any fees or other monies are outstanding, that skater will not be allowed to skate on the session or attend an assessment day if outstanding fees have not been paid. Outstanding fees may include, but are not limited to: a) ice session or program registration fees; b) test fees or hospitality fees; c) guest skate fees or fundraising fees d)any monies owed to any member of the professional coaching staff; e) any other fees or monies charged by the Club to such skater. This policy applies to all registered members of the Club without exception.
  • Payment
    Club fees may be paid by e-transfer, cash, cheque or by credit card through a third party payment system. Payments may be made in installments as per the Club’s installment guideline. Exceptions will not be made to the payment timeline. Any fees that are to be paid by a third party must be pre-paid by the registrant before the beginning of the season. Once the fees have been received from the third party, the participant will be reimbursed. Fees from the registrant must be received before the first skating session or skaters may not participate. Outstanding accounts shall be restricted from registering for programming until overdue payments have been received. All installment cheques will be deposited prior to the start of the skating season. All online payments through Uplifter are subject to a 3% and 20 cent administration fee.
  • Privacy
    The Char-Lan Skating Club (CLSC) values the privacy of our members and customers. This privacy statement discloses the privacy practices of the Char-Lan Skating Club, its website and its social media sites. The Club will collect personal information, such as names, addresses, email addresses, phone numbers, on a voluntary basis by you through membership, program registration and purchases. The Club will use this information for the following purposes: communicate information relating to the operation and promotion of the club with our members and program participants including, but not limited to, organization details, existing and upcoming program information, club communications, event promotion and details, member communications, fundraising and volunteer information. arrange for instruction and encourage the practice and enjoyment of the sport help organize and operate competitions, contests and performances communicate with prospective members about club information and promotions enable the CLSC's administrative staff and governing body to administer business activities, programs, registrations through the acts including, but not limited to, completing program and event registrations, responding to questions, informing members or upcoming events, programs and promotions and fundraising and volunteer activities. enable CLSC to provide better services and processes to better meet the needs of our membership to register your membership with club associated governing bodies that you consent to (eg: Skate Canada) The Club does not store any credit card number and security information (eg: CVV numbers) online on our website The Club does not sell, rent or exchange any of the personal information collected in the manner described above with any third party except as described herein or as you may otherwise consent. All information gathered by the Club through your purchases, registrations or website visits is kept confidential. We respect your privacy and confidence as a valued member. The Club may also provide your personal information in good faith when required by law.
  • Refunds
    -No account shall be credited or refunded for sessions missed due to scheduling conflicts, short-term illness and/or injury, inclement weather, or for failure to comply with club policies/procedures. -All refund requests must be provided to the club in writing. -Refunds will be issued by cheque. -Prior to the start of the season, participants are entitled to a full refund of all fees paid less a $35 administration fee. -Prior to the third session, participants will receive a refund less sessions skated, less $35 fundraising fee, less $58.70 Skate Canada fee, less $35 administration fee. -No refunds after the third session unless with written medical documentation. -Medical cancellations are calculated on a pro-rated basis. Skaters must send a completed injury or illness report to the Club within 2 weeks of injury or illness and a medical note. The medical note should clearly describe any limitations or restrictions to training in order to help the Club calculate the refund.
  • Sledge Use
    The Char-Lan Skating Club shall maintain possession of the sledge at all times. The sledge shall only be used at club-sanctioned events such as regular skating sessions, ice shows or family skating days sanctioned by the club. The sledge shall remain on club property at all times except in the case of maintenance or repairs. Blade sharpening shall be the responsibility of The Club. The sledge shall be kept in good working order and should the sledge become inoperable, a full refund shall be given to the registered sledge participants. Sledge availability is first come, first served on any given session.
  • Supervision
    In the event of an on-ice injury or illness, or if skaters require the assistance of their parent, a coach or program assistant must be able to locate or notify the parent or guardian as soon as possible for assistance. Participants will be brought to their parent with minimal interruption to lesson time. In emergency situations, coaches will administer first aid or support until the arrival or emergency services.

Char-Lan Recreation Centre

19740 John Street 

County Rd 17  

P.O. Box 26

Williamstown, ON  

K0C 2J0 





Club Ice Times


Pre-CanSkate 5:15-6:00 PM

CanSkate 6:00-6:50PM



STAR 1-2 5:00-6:00PM

STAR 3+ 6:00-6:50 PM



STAR 3+ 4:30-5:50PM

STAR 1-2 6:00-6:50PM



STAR 3+ 3:00-3:50 PM 

STAR 1-2 4:00-4:50PM 


We acknowledge that the Char-Lan Skating Club is located on the traditional land of the Kanienʼkehá꞉ka (Mohawk), Wendake-Nionwentsïo and Haudenosaunee people. 

Full land acknowledgement here

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